Having Stablecoins use by bots doesn’t necessarily mean they are invalid transactions. On so many occasions on telegram, I have set up bots that help execute trades using stable coins at specific price action. Such report by visa doesn’t sound very much like is from someone within the industry.
Nobody said it's "invalid" as you call it. My clear point is that most people are delusional thinking stablecoins are used for payments & remittances. Stables are predominately used by prop shops, market makers, and hedge funds to rebalance liquidity - that's it.
I wouldn’t say they are “delusional”, because the easy narrative for most folks to understand crypto or stablecoins in this context is just to explain the context that is easy to understand.
Stablecoins are also USED FOR PAYMENTS, however the greater function isn’t currently by retail but by institutions as a hedge etc.
What big corporations like VISA, MASTERCARD, COINBASE etc are currently pushing for, is for it to be used more for payments. So those people are not delusional thinkers
Having Stablecoins use by bots doesn’t necessarily mean they are invalid transactions. On so many occasions on telegram, I have set up bots that help execute trades using stable coins at specific price action. Such report by visa doesn’t sound very much like is from someone within the industry.
Nobody said it's "invalid" as you call it. My clear point is that most people are delusional thinking stablecoins are used for payments & remittances. Stables are predominately used by prop shops, market makers, and hedge funds to rebalance liquidity - that's it.
I wouldn’t say they are “delusional”, because the easy narrative for most folks to understand crypto or stablecoins in this context is just to explain the context that is easy to understand.
Stablecoins are also USED FOR PAYMENTS, however the greater function isn’t currently by retail but by institutions as a hedge etc.
What big corporations like VISA, MASTERCARD, COINBASE etc are currently pushing for, is for it to be used more for payments. So those people are not delusional thinkers